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Momentum Based Engagement Strategies


Looking to 10X your social media engagement?


Stock traders use a strategy called “momentum trading”.

The trader bets on a stock that is displaying movement in the right direction.

The strategy is simple: if a stock is starting a fierce move up, buy it…

… because you know it’s early & it has more energy in its movement that will carry it further up.

It has momentum, & will carry way beyond where it is now.

Once that energy fades, you can sell it at a profit.

It’s like a moving train. You know the direction & force with which the train is traveling.

All you need to do is get on.


The key to success?

Getting on early.

Successful momentum-based strategies require you to identify movement early & get on the train well before it reaches its destination.

Engagement is the same.

Want to see more engagement on your replies?

engagement proof

You gotta use momentum.

Every large creator has the same advice for small creators trying to grow:

“You have to put effort into your growth, especially as a beginner, by replying to larger accounts” - Dan Koe

This is a momentum-based engagement strategy.


By replying to a large account you are betting on the tweet getting a good amount of traffic, some of which will end up viewing (& engaging) with your reply.

reply traffic

The earlier you reply, the more engagement you’ll get (as long as it’s interesting)…

… & the more you can ride the momentum of the train (tweet) to reach your goal (engagement).

No paid RTs needed.

Just quality & timing.

How do I bet on momentum?

On X the playbook is simple:

  1. Set up notifications for your favorite large creator, and
  2. Reply with an interesting perspective as soon as they post.
  3. (don’t be boring)

This is a winning strategy… … but requires your full & uninterrupted attention.

Most of us don’t have the time to monitor X 24/7.

Is there any way to purchase this as a service?

There might be...

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